Ready to take the next step?
It takes 2 minutes to get your personalised rate. Then, you can apply online and get a response in 2 minutes. If your application is approved, you can start making your goals a reality.
Try our personal loan repayment calculator below or find out your personalised interest rate+ before you apply.
Won’t impact your credit score
Get your rate in 2 minutes
To help you plan your monthly budget, give our repayment calculator a try. It can estimate what your regular repayments might look like based on the amount you want to borrow using example interest rates.
Not sure about your credit situation? Understand the different credit score groupings.
Your example interest rate and comparison rate is*# $
Your estimated minimum repayment is $
Not sure about your credit situation? Understand the different credit score groupings.
Important information
Information provided is factual information only, and is not intended to imply any recommendation about any financial product(s) or constitute tax advice. All applications are subject to credit assessment, loan eligibility and lending limits. Terms, conditions, fees and charges apply.
The results of the calculator are based on information you have provided and is to be used as a guide only. It does not constitute a quote, pre-qualification, approval for credit or an offer for credit and you should not enter commitments based on it. The interest rates do not reflect true interest rates and the formula used for the purpose of calculating estimated personal loan repayments is based on the assumption that interest rates remain constant for the chosen loan term.
Your interest rate, repayments and interest payable will be different if a full application is submitted, and we complete our responsible lending assessment. The results of this calculator do not take into account any lender or government fees which may be applicable from time to time.
It takes 2 minutes to get your personalised rate. Then, you can apply online and get a response in 2 minutes. If your application is approved, you can start making your goals a reality.
A credit score is one indicator of your credit risk and is used to assess your credit worthiness. Find out more in our real life guide to your credit report.
Credit reporting bodies like Equifax use the following credit score groupings:
Not sure where you stand? Check your credit score for free at Equifax.
Information and interest rates are correct as of 13 September 2023 and subject to change at any time.
All applications are subject to credit assessment, loan eligibility criteria and lending limits. Terms and conditions, fees and charges apply.
Information provided is factual information only, and is not intended to imply any recommendation about any financial product(s) or constitute tax advice. If you require financial or tax advice you should consult a licensed financial or tax adviser.
‘No fees’ only applies to new loans. If you do not comply with the terms of your loan, we may pass on to you any third party enforcement or recovery costs incurred by us. Settlement times may vary depending on individual circumstances.
* Pepper Money Unsecured Personal Loan interest rates range from 6.75%-26.95% p.a. (Comparison rates range from 6.75%-26.95% p.a.#) and Secured Personal Loan interest rates range from 6.75%-21.65% p.a. (Comparison rates range from 6.75%-21.65% p.a.#). The actual interest rate applicable will depend on the individual borrower’s circumstances and the information verified during the loan application assessment.
+PERSONALISED RATES AND REPAYMENTS: The interest rate and repayments are based on personalised pricing. The final interest rate and repayments you are offered (if approved) may change based on your personal financial circumstances or security details provided. In some circumstances, we may require further information in order to provide a final interest rate and repayments (if approved).
^Loan repayment terms range from 18 to 84 months for secured loans between $15,000 - $50,000. Repayment terms range from 18 to 36 months for unsecured loans between $5,000 and $7,999, and 18 to 84 months for unsecured loans from $8,000 to $50,000.
EXAMPLE: An unsecured personal loan of $30,000 borrowed over a term of 5 years with the minimum interest rate of 6.75% p.a. (6.75% p.a. comparison rate), would equate to an estimated minimum total amount payable of $35,349.60 via the weekly payment option. Rates are subject to change.
#Comparison rate is calculated on a secured loan of $30,000 for a term of 5 years. WARNING: This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate.