The payment date of Pepper Money's 2024 final dividend is 17 April 2025.
The record date for the dividend was 20 March 2025.
As previously announced, dividend payments to all eligible registered holders will be paid via direct credit into a nominated bank account. No cheque payments will be made.
If shareholders have not provided a valid bank account, the dividend will be held in a non-interest-bearing special purpose account until a valid bank account has been received by the Share Registry.
Shareholders outside of Australia
Shareholders in countries outside of Australia will be paid by direct credit into a nominated bank account in AUD.
For shareholders outside of Australia who have not provided a valid bank account, the dividend will be held in a non-interest-bearing special purpose account until a valid bank account has been received by the Share Registry.
Update your Dividend instructions and tax file number
Shareholders who wish to change or vary their bank details must notify the Share Registry in one of the following ways:
- Online by visiting https://www.investorserve.com.au/
- Download and complete a Direct Credit Facility form
- Email your request to:enquiries@boardroomlimited.com.au
Update your Tax File Number
Please also check that your Tax File Number has been recorded by Boardroom. You can update your details:
- Online by visiting https://www.investorserve.com.au/
- Download and complete a Tax File Number Notification.
- Email your request to:enquiries@boardroomlimited.com.au